Community Partners
Go to: and login using your usual Amazon credentials and type Old union Elementary PTO as the organization you wish to support! We will earn up to 5% on qualifying purchases. Don't forget to bookmark the site for future purchases.
Turn your Coca~Cola product purchases into donations to OUES. To donate, visit, select Old Union Elementary School and scan or enter product codes from participating Coca~Cola products. Or drop off your caps or box codes from participating Coke products in the container located in the front office at school and we will enter the codes for you!
Link your Kroger Plus Card to the Kroger Community Rewards Program and earn money for our school! Sign up online at Your store receipt will list OUES as the organization you are supporting. Renewal is once a year. Our organization # is XK005 as Old Union
Elementary School.
In less than 6 months we raised near $1,000 for our school! OUES RECEIVES UP TO 1% OF YOUR PURCHASES!
Print & fill out your Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Registration Form. Return to customer service at Tom Thumb or to the OUES front office. We will do the run for you! Tom Thumb does not offer online registration, but you can choose (3) organizations to support!